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Harrisburg, Pennsylvania | Muž Hledám A Muž


Sebe bych popsal(a) jako
I am looking to meet a successful man, what I mean by successful is that he has the means to allow a partnership to happen, a nice home for us to build a lifetime relationship. I am tired of a lot of guys my own age, they don't have any class or good taste for things, I am a musician, I play the piano and sing, ( I have since age 5) I also love the nicer things in life. I am a good person, I am drug and disease free as well. 6'3 tall red hair, blue eyes 31 yo and I am from Harrisburg Pennsylvania. I see myself as more the house husband type meaning I would be the one to stay home and take care of the house, cooking, cleaning etc. I guess I would be the gay June Cleaver or Martha Stewart ( a more modern version) ha ha! that's what part of the relationship I see myself in, I know how to treat a man, because I know what I would want, so therefore I know. :) I also realize with how the world is nowadays it's impossible for one person to do everything, meaning working a job and then having to come home and do all of the domestic things as well, I wouldn't want my partner to be overworked or stressed. I would love to have a family with my partner as well. I like theater, cooking, gardening, decorating, dogs, and traveling. My favorite time of the year is Autumn and Winter, love to snuggle up with a loving man in bed to stay warm I am a very romantic touchy feely and sensitive deep thinking guy. I know how hard it is to find a quality man in this world, ( believe me I have spent lots of time looking lol) I need to be with somebody who will make me feel special, safe, and has the security I need. I would like to have a life time relationship with a guy who cares about me as a person, not just sex, because sex isn't everything, ( I do like sex, but there is a time and place for it. :) ) If you appreciate me, I will you and then some. I also love red long stem roses they are my favorite flowers. I also love Disney World, haven't been there in a long time and would really like to be there with my partner, it's a nice place to go. I also have a liking for men with beards or mustaches, I always have, I just find men with facial hair sexy and they have character in a way. You must be drug and disease free and also not married ( I have gotten messages from married men on here) My favorite type of music is retro pop music from the 60s, 70's and 80's I also love classic sitcoms as well, and of course Golden Girls is my favorite, it is an AWESOME show. Get back to me guys. I am waiting for "The One" I am serious about finding a husband, life is too short to be anything but happy. "Life is a banquet and most people are starving to death" let's enjoy the banquet, ( I would even cook it for you!) :) S*k*y*p*e: redguy81 (at) *m*a*i*l (dot) (com)

Vzhled a situace

Má postava je
Má výška je
1,91 m
Barva mých očí
Můj původ je
Můj rodinný stav je
Nikdy jsem nebyl ženatý nebo vdaná
Mám děti
Chci děti
Nejsem si jist(a)
Ochotný/ochotná se přestěhovat


Má úroveň vzdělání je
Nějaká výška
Můj současný stav zaměstnání je
Na částečný úvazek
Mé zaměření je
Umění / Hudba / Literatura
Se spolubydlícím/i
Přátelé občas přijdou
Jsem kuřák


Na střední škole jsem byl/a
Tichý jedinec
Mé společenské chování je
Rezervované, Opatrné, Přátelská osoba, Komické
Mé zájmy a koníčky jsou
Stravování, Hudba, Divadlo, Vaření, Zahrádkářství
Má představa skvěle stráveného času je
Zůstat doma, Relax, Spát
Ideální první rande by bylo


V TV vždy sleduji
Kreslené filmy/seriály, Situační komedie, Reprízy
Když se dívám na filmy, vždy sleduji
Komedie, Romantika, Rodina, Animované
Když poslouchám hudbu, pak vždy poslouchám
Pop, Klasické, Dance


Co považuješ za atraktivní?
Důvtip, Peníze, Citlivost, Empatii, Humor, Dobrý vzhled, Ohleduplnost, Inteligenci
Co hledáš?
Jaký typ vztahu hledáš?
Intimní, Odevzdaný/á